Tokyo, April 04, 2024, Asian shares experienced mostly positive movements, as reported by the AP. Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 climbed by 0.8% to reach 39,773.14 points. Sydney's S&P/ASX 200 also saw gains, rising by 0.5% to 7,817.30 points. Similarly, Korea's Kospi index added 1.3% to reach 2,742.00 points.
In energy markets, benchmark US crude oil prices increased by 4 cents, reaching $85.47 per barrel. Meanwhile, Brent crude, the international standard, rose by 7 cents to $89.42 per barrel.
Regarding currency trading, the US dollar strengthened slightly against the Japanese yen, moving up to 151.70 yen from 151.65 yen. The euro remained relatively stable, costing $1.0842 compared to $1.0837 previously.