Riyadh, August 22, 2023, The Saudi School Athletics Team has embarked on a thrilling journey as they compete in the U-15 Gymnasiade, a prestigious sporting event that kicked off in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 19 and will continue until August 27. In a groundbreaking announcement, Ali Al-Shuailan, the President of the Saudi Federation for School Sports, revealed that the Saudi Team, comprising both male and female athletes, is primed and ready to partake in the upcoming competition in Brazil. Al-Shuailan emphasized the team's commitment to representing Saudi schools with utmost excellence, highlighting the historic significance of female athletes' participation in the School Olympics and marking a significant milestone for the Kingdom. In a gracious gesture, the individual expressed gratitude towards Youssef Al-Benyan, the esteemed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Federation for School Sports, as well as the Minister of Education, for their unwavering support of school sports.
Saudi School Athletics Team Competes in U-15 Gymnasiade in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from August 19-27
Ahmed Saleh